Saturday, April 25, 2015

Prayer for Victory - Prayer for Relief from Death

Numbers 21

After the rebellion by the family of Levi, and the ground opened-up to swallow them - and the plague that moved through the people, during which Aaron interceded - God demonstrates His power and His authority again; this time by causing Aaron's walking-staff to bloom, while the staves from the other family lines simply remained sticks.

Of course, the people misunderstand what God is telling them.

The Israelites said to Moses, “We know that we will die! We are lost! We will all be destroyed! 

Anyone who even comes near the Lord’s holy place will die. Is it true that we will all die?”

Yes, you are going to all die; No, it's not because of coming near the Lord's Holy Place.

Afterwards, there are clarifications and additional instructions about the duties of the Levities and the Priests, and the proper procedures for the offerings.

The people keep moving, and arrive at Kadesh, in the desert of Zin.  Moses's sister died there, and Moses lost track of his humility and put himself before God.

What God instructed:
The Lord spoke to Moses and said, “Get the special walking stick. Take your brother Aaron and the crowd of people and go to that rock. Speak to the rock in front of the people. Then water will flow from the rock, and you can give that water to the people and to their animals.”

What Moses did:
Moses and Aaron told the people to meet together in front of the rock. Then Moses said, “You people are always complaining. Now listen to me. I will cause water to flow from this rock.” Moses lifted his arm and hit the rock twice. Water began flowing from the rock, and the people and their animals drank that water.

And the consequences:
But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “You did not trust me enough to honor me and show the people that I am holy. You did not show the Israelites that the power to make the water came from me. So you will not lead the people into the land that I have given them.”

And later, after the Edmonites did not let the Israelites pass through their land, Aaron died and the people mourned for 30 days.

The Israelites left Mount Hor and traveled on the road that goes to the Red Sea. They did this to go around the country of Edom. But the people became impatient.  They began complaining against God and Moses. The people said, “Why did you bring us out of Egypt? We will die here in the desert! There is no bread and no water! And we hate this terrible food!”

So the Lord sent poisonous snakes among the people. The snakes bit the people, and many of the Israelites died.  The people came to Moses and said, “We know that we sinned when we spoke against the Lord and against you. Pray to the Lord. Ask him to take away these snakes.” So Moses prayed for them.

The Lord said to Moses, “Make a bronze snake and put it on a pole. If anyone is bitten by a snake, that person should look at the bronze snake on the pole. Then that person will not die.”  So Moses made a bronze snake and put it on a pole. Then when a snake bit anyone, that person looked at [studied intently, stared at, concentrated on] the bronze snake on the pole and lived.

Some questions came to mind the first time I heard this Bible story:

I thought God gave the Israelites instructions about no graven images; what happened?

If a snake represents the enemy, why would it represent a type of salvation?

Why is the snake placed on a pole?

Why is Jesus like a snake in John 3:14?

“Moses lifted up the snake in the desert. It is the same with the Son of Man. He must be lifted up too. Then everyone who believes in him can have eternal life.”

My thoughts:

Exodus 20:4 forbids the worship of a graven image (carved gods) as God.  God did not give instructions to Moses to fashion a replacement God.  Instead, the snakes that are biting the people, and the snake on the pole represent the SIN of the people.

Why a bronze snake? To steal from Magritte's "The Treachery of Images"  - using a bronze snake meant creating a symbol.  In this case, it was to represent the difference between regarding a real snake as the enemy versus a bronze snake representing sin as the enemy.

The snake does not represent salvation.  Salvation comes from God, and when the people looked at [concentrated on] realizing their sin, God saved them.

The snakes were biting everyone. No one was spared from that pain; but looking at the snake brought life from God.

Why is the snake on a pole?
 - It's easier to see from a distance.
 - It forces the people to take on a new perspective.

Why is Jesus like the snake?
 - As Moses "made" the serpent, so God "made" Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf.
- All of us have been "bitten" by the snake and are dying from sin.  Looking to Jesus provides the healing and salvation from that bite.
- As the snake was lifted up on a pole, Jesus was lifted up on a cross.
- The snake represented that which was causing the Israelites to die, sin; so too did Jesus become the full essence of that which causes us to die - sin.
- Intently studying the snake brought recognition of sin and salvation from God; bringing Jesus into our selves brings salvation from God and forgiveness of sin. 

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