Saturday, November 14, 2015

Fasting and Prayer - 01

An overview of Fasting:

1: What does the Bible say about fasting?

  • Matt 9:14-15   (John the Baptist's disciples' question to Jesus)
  • Matt 4:4  (read closely -- Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word ...)
  • Esther 4: definition of fasting
  • Leviticus 23:32: definition of fasting
  • Matt 6:16-18 (do not boast)
2: God's Expectations
  • Isaiah 58:5-7 (Not just for our personal deliverance - but also concern for our neighbors)
    • Put the stomach to sleep, and awaken our hearts to love and concern
  • Isaiah 58:9 Then...

3: How often?
  • Jesus said, "When you fast..."
  • Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:32)
  • Paul fasted often. 2 Cor 11:27, Acts 9:9 - a way of life: 1 Cor 7:5
  • In preparation for known trials (Matt 4)
4: Preparation
  • Jonah 3
5: Not all fasting is for repentance
  • Acts 13:2-3 -- intercession and support for Paul and Barnabas
  • Acts 14:23 - selecting elders for the church
  • Dan 9:3 - deliverance
  • Dan 6:18 - protection (fasting by a Gentile king)
  • Ex 34:27-28 - draw closer to God (by Moses)
  • Ps 35:13 - healing for sick friends
  • Mark 9:28-29 - for casting out demons
  • Luke 2:37 - Anna fasted in service to the temple
6: Discussion:
  • Joel 1:14
  • Joel 2:15-16
  • Isaiah 58:6
  • Deut 32:15
  • 2 Chron 29:31
  • Prov 3:9-10
  • Isaiah 1:19
  • Dan 10:3

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